
We are proud of Cameco’s story over the past 35 years and want to share it. Our valued employees, industry colleagues and community partners contributed to our success and have a story to tell about it. For our next story, Jonathan Huntington, vice-president overseeing community investment, speaks about the impact of Cameco Step Up for Mental Health. Visit www.cameco.com/35 to hear it.


It’s the season of giving, and Cameco is proud to be making a difference in the communities where we operate. This includes employees volunteering at the Saskatoon Friendship Inn and supporting Rise Air Santa in the North. Also, our employee giving campaign resulted in $733,674 being donated to 165 charitable organizations.


Today Cameco announced $1.8 million in funding for numerous community organizations in Saskatchewan. Part of that total came from our employees and community members through their support of Step Up for Mental Health and Cameco’s Employee Giving Campaign. Cameco President and CEO Tim Gitzel says giving back to the community through time and money is part of our DNA at Cameco and wouldn’t be possible without our dedicated employees. To learn more about today’s announcement, visit https://ow.ly/bgbk50Qi90n


Today, Cameco announced more than $1.8 million in funding for numerous community organizations serving Saskatchewan including:

• More than $700,000 raised through the Cameco Employee Giving Campaign - 300 Cameco employees donated to a charity of their choice with a matching donation from the company, resulting in support for 165 charitable organizations.


We are proud of Cameco’s story over the past 35 years and want to share it. Throughout our anniversary year, we’re sharing stories from our valued employees, industry colleagues, community partners and more. They all have a Cameco story to tell that contributed to our success.

For our next story, Senior Vice-President and Chief Corporate Officer Alice Wong shares how Cameco employees make a difference in their community.

Visit www.cameco.com/35 to hear it.


Cameco’s first trip to COP was an undeniable success. #COP28 provided a platform to show nuclear energy for what it is – a real solution to the climate crisis. Through the #netzeronuclear initiative alongside our industry colleagues, we made it clear that affordable, emissions-free baseload power is not only possible but necessary with nuclear.