
The 150 million pounds of U₃O₈ (100% basis) produced at Cigar Lake has enabled our customers around the world to generate over 2,400 TWh of zero-carbon nuclear power. Based on calculations using IPCC and ECCC data, we estimate that by using nuclear power rather than coal or natural gas, utilities have avoided 1-2 billion tonnes of CO₂ emissions. This is up to three times Canada’s annual GHG emissions. “This is a proud moment for Cameco,” said Brian Reilly, chief operating officer.


We’re sharing stories from employees who are contributing to Cameco’s success. Our marketing team is seeing an interest in nuclear power and uranium fuel like never before - and Vice-President of Marketing David Doerksen leads them in developing our global marketing strategy. https://www.cameco.com/about/35-years


Despite multiple setbacks, Cigar Lake mine began production in early 2014, using the jet-boring technique pioneered by Cameco specifically for its challenging geology. The mine has now produced 150 million pounds of uranium concentrate. “Looking back, there were times of uncertainty and sleepless nights wondering if we could make the machine perform as designed. Fortunately, we had an amazing team of professionals from many different backgrounds who persevered and made the JBS what it is today,” mine general supervisor Dylan Probert says.


Cigar Lake – co-owned by Cameco, Orano and TEPCO – is one of the world’s most lucrative but technically challenging deposits. Those challenges haven’t stopped us from producing 150 million pounds of uranium concentrate. “Congratulations to the team, those that work underground and at surface, and everyone who supports Cigar, for the exceptional teamwork. And thank you for always keeping safety as the number one priority,” says chief operating officer Brian Reilly.


Tailings are an inevitable byproduct of most mining activities. To strengthen our tailings management approach, we apply lessons learned from industry incidents and are committed to continuous improvement. You can learn more about our operations in our 2023 Sustainability Report. https://www.cameco.com/about/sustainability