How We Measure Ourselves
In support of our business strategy and in alignment with our values, we set corporate, business unit and departmental objectives every year, organizing them under four measures of success, which reflect our commitment to sustainability principles:

A safe, healthy and rewarding workplace
The safety and health of our workers and the public is our highest corporate priority. We measure our performance against safety metrics originally established by the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). We also focus on leading indicators that prevent injuries and specifically those that are focused on improving our safety performance.

A clean environment
We recognize and embrace our responsibility to manage our activities with care for the protection of environmental resources. At Cameco, our stewardship is guided by established policies and programs designed to minimize our impacts on air, land, and water, and to safeguard the biodiversity of surrounding ecosystems. We maintain certification of our environmental management systems to the leading international standard, ISO 14001, and establish annual targets to improve performance on significant environmental aspects for the corporation.

Supportive communities
We believe that local communities and Indigenous Peoples should benefit from resource development on or near traditional lands and communities, through employment, training, business opportunities, community investment, and environmental stewardship. Cameco has a long history of working collaboratively with Indigenous Peoples and local communities.

Outstanding financial performance
Long-term financial stability and profitability are essential to our sustainability as a company. We have a responsibility to deliver value to our shareholders, and we use accepted measures to ensure we deliver outstanding financial performance.
These measures of success were created to proactively address the financial, social and environmental aspects of our business. Each is tied to all employees’ variable compensation programs, with three of the four measures directly aligned to sustainability-related objectives. Including these objectives in our compensation program creates a balanced approach as they equal 50% of Cameco’s compensable corporate objectives. Each is integral to our overall success and, together, they will ensure our long-term sustainability.
For more information on how compensation is aligned with our sustainability performance, please see our most recent Management Proxy Circular.