
Rewarding and Challenging

The uranium processing industry offers a wide variety of career options for highly-skilled people, providing many opportunities for advancement.

General career segments include:

  • Health, safety and environmental protection
  • Engineering and maintenance
  • Skilled trades
  • Scientific research and innovation, radiological testing and analysis
  • Corporate functions such as regulatory compliance, human resources, logistics, accounting, stakeholder relations

Examples of some uranium processing career descriptions include:

Please note that position titles are generic and vary from company to company.

Environmental scientists

Develop and implement environmental monitoring programs.

Occupational health and safety officers

Ensure that appropriate conventional (non-radiological) health and safety standards are maintained.

Process operators

Ensure that the production plants operate safely and efficiently.

Project engineers

Manage a range of civil, electrical, chemical and metallurgical projects to ensure safe, clean and reliable production

Logistics specialists

Ensure that all required licenses and permits for transportation of products are in place and regulations are followed.

One ton of natural uranium can produce more than 40 million kilowatt-hours of electricity. This is equivalent to burning 16,000 tons of coal or 80,000 barrels of oil.