Supportive Communities
Gaining the trust and support of communities, indigenous people, governments and regulators is necessary to sustain our business. We earn support and trust through excellent safety and environmental performance, by proactively engaging our stakeholders in an open and transparent way, and by making a difference in communities wherever we operate.
2013 Highlights
Economic impact
- $550 million in local procurement, including $450 from locally owned northern Saskatchewan companies
- 747 local employees from northern Saskatchewan
- Community engagement activities at 100% of our operations
- One additional agreement with local community
- 4th CCAB PAR Gold certification
Community relations
- No significant disputes related to land use or customary rights
- 5 operations on Indigenous Territory
- 1 significant dispute related to Indigenous rights
- 90% of operations with preliminary decommissioning plans
Public opinion, lobbying
- Strong support wherever we operate
Northern Saskatchewan Local Procurement Dollars
Northern Saskatchewan Local
2013 Public Polling
Aboriginal Peoples Engagement
Cameco’s approach to Aboriginal engagement and the strong relationships we have built in northern Saskatchewan have made us a leader in corporate social responsibility. Cameco is Canada’s leading industrial employer of aboriginal people and was recognized by the Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business for the fourth time for progressive relations with aboriginal people.
Public Safety
We invest significant ongoing resources to identify and minimize risks to the public as well as being prepared to manage emergencies. Our performance in this area is subject to the scrutiny of a variety of regulatory authorities that are mandated to protect public safety and oversee nuclear operators.