Clean Environment


Cameco operates its business with respect and care for the local and global environment.

We adopt best practices, comply with regulatory requirements, and move beyond them where possible. We integrate environmental leadership into everything we do.

We track our progress by monitoring our impacts on air, water and land near our operations, and by measuring the amount of energy we use and the amount of waste we generate. We use this information to help identify opportunities to improve.

2013 Highlights


  • Modest energy increases despite production increases


  • Slight decrease in water intake
  • Continued decrease in amount of molybdenum and uranium in treated water discharged to the environment


  • Declining GHG emissions
  • Decreases in SO2 and NO2 emissions


  • Decrease in the overall amount of waste generated at our operations
  • Over 8 million tonnes of waste rock reclaimed


  • No significant environmental incidents
  • No significant environmental fines


  • Added 415 hectares to operational footprint

Water Withdrawal (m3)

2011 2012 2013
Water Withdrawal 21135822 21673994 20667091
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Total Non-Mine Waste Generated

2011 2012 2013
Total Waste Generated 15471 17408 14307
Created with Highstock 2.0.32011201220130k5k10k15k20k

GHG Emission (tonnes CO2e)

2011 2012 2013
GHG Emission 512790 532497 519589
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We are committed to withdrawing, using and discharging water responsibly in the areas we operate to ensure that risks to the receiving environment comply with and move beyond legal and other requirements, and are as low as reasonably achievable.

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Our primary goal is to reduce the amount of waste we generate and to divert as much as we can by reusing, recycling or recovering material that would otherwise go to a landfill or other permanent waste storage.

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