Community relations

Cameco has worked hard to build relationships with local communities near our operations, many of which are indigenous. We respect the rights of Indigenous peoples and we invest considerable time in building relationships with local communities through our various engagement activities.
Although we don't currently have operations on or adjacent to Indigenous lands, they are close to our operations in some locations.
To formalize our relationships, Cameco has signed memorandums of understanding with Indigenous residents in some locations. For example, our refinery in Blind River signed a memorandum of understanding with the local Mississauga First Nation in 2010, formalizing their intention to continue to work together cooperatively to benefit the community and Cameco.
Cameco has also signed a preliminary, non-binding memorandum of understanding with the Martu, the recognized titleholders at our exploration property in Western Australia. Activities at Kintyre will take place on or adjacent to Martu lands.
The agreement acknowledges the Martu's support in principle for this proposed development.
Read more about aboriginal relations in our case studies.
GRI Indicators
MM5 – Proximity to Indigenous territories
^This indicator provides information about the number of Cameco mining and processing operations on (or adjacent to) Indigenous lands, as well as the percentage of formal agreements in relation to the overall number of our operating sites that are on or adjacent to an Indigenous territory.
Cameco is not currently operating any sites on or adjacent to Indigenous territories.
This indicator includes data from Canada, the US and Australia only.
What it means
Cameco has no operations on or immediately adjacent to (contiguous with) Indigenous lands. At certain operations, Indigenous lands are in reasonably close proximity (e.g. the Hatchet Lake Reserve's proximity to Rabbit Lake operation), but none is adjacent.
Looking ahead
Activities at our proposed development property in Australia, Kintyre, will take place on or adjacent to Indigenous lands.
Means either (a) physically contiguous (i.e. where the boundaries of applicable lands held by Cameco – or its wholly owned subsidiary – and on which sits its applicable operating site directly intersect with the boundaries of Indigenous territories), or (b) physically proximate such that an Indigenous territory (i.e. the lands themselves, as opposed to the occupants or any activities exercised by the occupants) are directly, adversely influenced by Cameco projects or activities relating to the applicable operating site.
MM6 – Disputes related to land use and customary rights
^This indicator provides information about significant disputes relating to the land use and customary rights of local or Indigenous peoples where we operate.
Cameco was not involved in any disputes related to land use, customary rights or local communities and Indigenous peoples during the reporting period.
This indicator includes data from Canada, the US and Australia only.
What it means
We respect the rights of Indigenous peoples and we invest considerable time in building relationships with local communities through our various engagement activities.
Looking ahead
Cameco will continue to work with Indigenous groups that have an interest in our operations and ensure that we understand and respect their lands, rights and communities.
Significant disputes
Disputes that have been elevated to:
- a legal proceeding
- a formal objection filed with the applicable regulator
- a blockade or other form of civil disobedience
- the need to use a dispute resolution mechanism included in an agreement between the community and Cameco.
The English River First Nation (ERFN) has selected surface lands covering the Millennium deposit in a claim for Treaty Land Entitlement (TLE). The Saskatchewan government has rejected the selection, but the ERFN has challenged the government's decision in the courts and this litigation continues. The TLE process does not affect our mineral rights, but it could have an impact on the surface rights and benefits we ultimately negotiate as part of the development of this deposit.
HR9 – Violations of Indigenous rights
^This indicator provides information about the total number of incidents registered through formal means related to Indigenous rights.
There were no incidents registered through formal means involving violations of Indigenous rights by Cameo during the reporting period.
This indicator includes data from Canada, the US and Australia only.
What it means
Cameco respects the rights of Indigenous groups. We have built strong relationships through a variety of mechanisms, including memorandums of understanding and other statements of intent to work respectfully and co-operatively to our mutual benefit.
Looking ahead
As Cameco expands production and moves into new jurisdictions, we are taking the lessons we have learned from working with Indigenous groups in northern Saskatchewan and applying them elsewhere to ensure a positive working relationship that sees these groups benefit meaningfully from our operations.
Incident registered by formal means
Formal allegation of a specific Indigenous rights infringement caused by (or expected to result from) a Cameco project or activity.
This allegation can take the form of:
- a complaint filed through a judicial proceeding
- a formal objection filed with the regulator
- activities identified by Cameco's corporate social responsibility team as failing to comply with Cameco's internal policy directives.