Cameco Customers

We sell uranium and fuel services directly to nuclear utilities around the world as uranium concentrates, UO2 and UF6, conversion services, or fuel fabrication. We have a solid portfolio of long-term sales contracts that reflect the long-term, trusting relationships we have with our customers.



41 nuclear utilities worldwide

  • 44% of volume to Americas (US, Canada, Latin America)
  • 17% of volume to Asia
  • 39% of volume to Europe
  • five largest customers account for 58% of commitments


As of December 31, 2024 approximately 220 million pounds of U3O8 contracted


Uranium Customers

Pie chart with 3 slices.
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Conversion – UF6


34 nuclear utilities worldwide

  • 50% of volume to Americas (US, Canada, Latin America)
  • 5% of volume to Asia
  • 45% of volume to Europe
  • five largest customers account for 59% of commitments


As of December 31, 2024, about 85 million kilograms as UF6 conversion

Conversion – UO2 and UO3

Cameco is a leading supplier of uranium dioxide (UO2) used by the Canadian operators of CANDU heavy water reactors. Cameco provides intermediate fuel services product, uranium trioxide (UO3), through our Blind River refinery – the world's largest uranium refinery.

Fuel Manufacturing

Cameco is one of two nuclear fuel manufacturers in Canada, and the largest Canadian-based supplier of reactor components to CANDU operators in Canada.


  • utilities operating CANDU reactors


  • finished fuel for CANDU reactors
  • specialty alloy products for various CANDU reactor applications


  • 1.65 million KgU as UO2 pellets per year


Conversion Customers

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