Environment & Safety

In June 2021, Cigar Lake Mine celebrated its fourth consecutive win of the John T. Ryan Regional Safety Trophy.
We manage the safety of our workers through programs, systems, and standards, with our Safety, Health, Environment and Quality (SHEQ) Policy providing overarching guidance. There are many aspects of the management system that contribute to a safe work environment, a few examples include:
- Risk assessments help identify issues and determine the appropriate controls; the corrective action process verifies that incidents and near misses are reported, tracked, investigated and shared with colleagues; and emergency preparedness and planning prepare us to respond to serious incidents.
- We have developed 12 corporate safety standards to help protect our workers from our most common hazards. Some standards guide our general safety practices, such as our job hazard analysis and our job task observation, and other standards deal with specific hazardous situations (similar to other companies’ life saving rules): such as fall protection, confined space entry, rigging and hoisting, and control of hazardous energy (also referred to as lockout/tagout).
- Routine audits are conducted to monitor compliance with regulations and our own requirements. These and other aspects of the management system are routinely examined to verify that they continue to be effective at keeping our workers safe.
Recognized for four consecutive years by the Canadian Institute of Mining's John T. Ryan Regional Safety Trophy, Cigar Lake's risk-based approach and strong safety culture seeks to introduce safety controls before incidents occur.
Radiation Protection
Radiation risks are effectively managed at Cigar Lake through a formal radiation protection program and dedicated personnel who ensure that doses to workers are as low as reasonably achievable. The program ensures that radiation protection is considered in the physical design of all facilities and operating procedures. It also provides for systematic monitoring of radiation in work areas and tracking the exposures of individual workers using a combination of monitoring devices and health testing. Radiation exposures at Cigar Lake are far below the regulated limits.
Environmental Protection
At Cameco, protection of the environment is one of our highest corporate priorities during all stages of our activities, from exploration through development, operations, decommissioning, and reclamation.
We monitor our performance by tracking corporate and site-specific key performance indicators, conducting environmental monitoring programs, and regularly auditing our adherence to the requirements of these programs We use the information from all of our programs to help us to identify opportunities to improve.
Environmental management system
We have a ISO 14001-certified environmental management system used across our operating sites, which is supported by a corporate Environmental Management Program that outlines the operating requirements sites must meet. Our environmental management system encourages and promotes continuous adaptation of our practices based on new information and technologies.
Environmental risk assessments
We complete environmental risk assessments to systematically identify, quantify, and to characterize the potential risks to the environment, workers, and the public. We use our environmental risk assessments to inform our decisions and actions. Additionally, we complete an iterative process, where required, to verify that our proposed measures to protect the environment and the public are effective. We review or update the assessments every five years, incorporating results from our environmental monitoring programs and other scientific advances.
Environmental performance reports
For our Saskatchewan operations, every five years we also compare monitoring data collected during the reporting period against predictions contained in approved environmental risk assessments or environmental assessments. By reviewing the data from the performance reports and conducting risks assessments, we are able to demonstrate that human health and the environment in the vicinity of our Saskatchewan operations remains protected. Results from these analyses are also used to inform changes to the environmental monitoring programs conducted at each operation.
Corrective action process
We have a corrective action process in place to systematically investigate and address the causes of non-conformance to regulatory requirements or internal standards. The process includes classifying the non-conformance, assigning the appropriate level of investigation (dependent on incident significance), and tracking the recommended corrective actions to prevent and mitigate similar occurrences.
To support our culture of continuous improvement, our processes and operations undergo regular audits, including:
- Our environmental management system is audited by a third-party every three years as a requirement to maintain our ISO 14001 certification.
- Our SHEQ team conducts an internal audit of our SHEQ programs on a three-year cycle. The total audit scope is split in half and executed on a rotating basis. This means that all our sites undergo at least two audits to cover all aspects of our SHEQ programs within every three-year period. The audit follows the ISO 19001 process and encompasses our environmental and safety programs.
- We also maintain and implement an internal audit program at our corporate office. Results and recommendations from this systematic and documented process are presented to senior management, who are responsible for implementing them and correcting any deficiencies. The internal audit group reports to the audit and finance committee of the board.
Environmental Monitoring
Comprehensive monitoring programs are in place at the Cigar Lake operation to help protect the surrounding environment. Samples of water, air, soil, plants and fish are collected from numerous locations around the site and tested to confirm that environmental protection systems are effective. Monitoring results are submitted to federal and provincial regulatory authorities for review. Cameco also supports independent regional monitoring downstream of its Saskatchewan operations to ensure there are no cumulative effects on the regional watershed. The extensive monitoring undertaken at Cigar Lake has identified no significant impact on the surrounding environment.
Environmental Incidents and Other Events
Environmental incidents and other events are reported to regulatory agencies as required by federal and provincial regulations.
Latest incident or event:
Date | March 8, 2025 |
Incident | Lost-Time Injury |
Details | While operating underground rock-bolting equipment, a worker suffered a crush-type injury to their hand. |
Corrective Action | The worker reported to on-site nursing staff for treatment and was flown off-site for further assessment. The incident is under investigation and has been reported to the regulators. |
Cameco Environmental Effect Rating | not applicableN/A |
- Past Reporting
Date March 8, 2025 Incident Lost-Time Injury Details While operating underground rock-bolting equipment, a worker suffered a crush-type injury to their hand. Corrective Action The worker reported to on-site nursing staff for treatment and was flown off-site for further assessment. The incident is under investigation and has been reported to the regulators. Cameco Environmental Effect Rating not applicableN/A Date Feb. 26, 2025 Incident Reportable Release Details Approximately 39 cubic metres of Potentially Acid Generating (PAG) waste rock from underground were erroneously placed on an unlined stockpile designated for clean basement rock, instead of the Waste Rock Crush Pad. Corrective Action The material was removed and placed on the crush pad. An investigation is underway. Cameco Environmental Effect Rating not applicableN/A Date Nov. 6, 2024 Incident Event Requiring Reporting to the Duty Officer Details During routine environmental inspections, aircraft fuel was observed leaking from the sample station/pump into its secondary containment. The leak was coming from a check valve at the top of the tank. Corrective Action An emergency response team was activated to attend the scene and to control any possible vapours. A millwright arrived and controlled the leak. A maintenance notification was created to prevent recurrence. The CNSC Duty officer was contacted. Cameco Environmental Effect Rating not applicableN/A Date Oct. 25, 2024 Incident Reportable Discharge Details A tote of MasterRoc SA 160 was punctured by a forklift, resulting in a release of approximately 50 litres onto the ground. Corrective Action The spilled product was cleaned up and will be sent offsite for proper disposal. The CNSC Duty Officer and Provincial Spill Control Centre were notified. Cameco Environmental Effect Rating not applicableN/A Date Sept. 13, 2024 Incident Radiation Action Level Exceedance Details A worker had an acute intake of 2.1 mSv of uranium due to a potential personal protective equipment misuse. Corrective Action The worker was removed from radiation work areas and an investigation has been initiated. Cameco Environmental Effect Rating not applicableN/A Date Sept. 13, 2024 Incident Dangerous Occurrence Details The Shaft #2 hoist was in Auto Cage mode when the cage was called to the collar. A loader operator opened the gate and started to place a skid onto the cage. When the operator had the skid approximately halfway into the cage, the cage started to travel up to its resting spot. The operator realized it was moving and backed out quickly; a shaft crew member quickly hit the emergency-stop, which halted the cage's movement. Corrective Action Electricians investigated and discovered a switch was stuck in a closed position and repairs were completed. Cameco Environmental Effect Rating not applicableN/A Date Sept. 6-12, 2024 Incident Radiation Action Level Exceedance Details An analysis of urine samples showed a contractor received a dose that exceeded the weekly action level of 1 mSv. Corrective Action The worker was removed from radiation work areas and the abnormal intake standard was implemented. Preliminary investigation suggests improper removal of PPE contributed to the event. Investigation is ongoing. Cameco Environmental Effect Rating not applicableN/A Date August 20, 2024 Incident Dangerous Occurrence Details A loaded scoop was proceeding up a ramp from the 500L. Approximately 12 m up the ramp, the scoop slid back down and contacted a power take-off (PTO) panel located approximately 3.5m up the ramp. Upon investigation by qualified personnel, it was determined that the bottom left corner of the PTO panel exterior was damaged, but the integrity of the outer case was intact. The cable to the PTO had not been contacted in any way, the equipment operator was unharmed, and the scoop had no visible damage. This event is considered a dangerous occurrence in The Mines Regulations, 2018, based on the loss of control of the vehicle conveying workers. Corrective Action The area was roped off, the PTO panel was locked out and all equipment involved were assessed for damages. The PTO panel was then removed and a notification was entered to have the PTO replaced and installed in a better location. A review of all PTO locations underground will be performed and the ones that are deemed to be in the line of fire of mobile equipment will be relocated. Furthermore, the ramp was chipped and will be shotcreted to increase traction. An investigation in conjunction with the Occupational Health Committee will be completed. Cameco Environmental Effect Rating not applicableN/A Date August 4, 2024 Incident Event Requiring Reporting to the Duty Officer Details A fire alarm at the 480 Level control room bathroom underground was activated at 6:08 p.m. There was no sign of smoke or fire underground. The smoke detector had been set off by a controlled mining blast. Corrective Action N/A Cameco Environmental Effect Rating not applicableN/A Date July 11, 2024 Incident Event Requiring Reporting to the Duty Officer Details A fire alarm in the underground (UG) fuel bay was activated at 09:51 pm. Corrective Action All UG personnel reported to the refuge stations and were accounted for by incident command. MRT responded to the UG fuel bay, swept the mine, and confirmed there was no smoke or fire. The fire alarm panel was reset, stench gas cartridges replaced and the MRT stood down. Cameco Environmental Effect Rating not applicableN/A Date July 2, 2024 Incident Event Requiring Reporting to the Duty Officer Details A fire alarm at the Shaft #2 Mine Air Exhaust Building was activated at 05:17 p.m. The ERT responded and confirmed there was no fire. The fire alarm panel was reset and the ERT stood down. The alarm was triggered by dust from concrete dust clean-up activities making its way through the vents. Corrective Action N/A Cameco Environmental Effect Rating not applicableN/A Date July 3, 2024 Incident Event Requiring Reporting to the Duty Officer Details A fire, caused by a lighting storm and dry forest conditions, was observed by site personnel and safety team on the lease between the site guard shack and gravel pit. The site ERT team deployed to find the location and the status of the fire. Upon locating the fire, the team worked to prevent it from spreading and impacting the site, using water packs and hand tools. SPSA Stony Rapids deployed a helicopter to site to confirm the location and control of the fire, then landed and confirmed the fire to be under control. The safety team will continue to monitor the area. Corrective Action N/A Cameco Environmental Effect Rating not applicableN/A Date June 27, 2024 Incident Lost-Time Injury Details On Dec. 23, a worker injured their right bicep while attempting to remove a seized pin. On Dec. 28, the worker was placed on restricted work duties. The worker continued to experience symptoms related to the injury, and after following up with offsite medical attention, was scheduled for surgery. Starting July 6, 2024, this injury will be reclassified to a lost-time injury. Corrective Action An investigation was completed to determine the contributing factors to the event. It found the injury was caused by using the incorrect tool for the job. Cameco Environmental Effect Rating not applicableN/A Date June 21, 2024 Incident Dangerous Occurrence Details A worker was on the second rung of a ladder when the top of the ladder came loose and shifted backward. The worker stepped off the ladder and was not injured. Investigation determined the wedge that secured the clamp at the top of the ladder had come loose and caused the clamp to open. Corrective Action The scaffolding has been repaired and inspected. Site scaffold erectors are completing inspections on the scaffolding with increased focus on similar ladder attachments. Cameco Environmental Effect Rating not applicableN/A Date May 28, 2024 Incident
Dangerous OccurrenceDetails A cage operator opened the door to signal to the hoist operator and then proceeded out of the cage. When signaling to release the cage after closing the door, a rock fell from above and landed beside the cage operator. The operator was not injured, however, there was the potential for a more serious outcome had they been contacted by the rock. Corrective Action The headframe was inspected for any other rocks on the beams. The shaft was also inspected. An investigation in conjunction with the site Occupational Health and Safety Committee will be conducted. Cameco Environmental Effect Rating not applicableN/A Date May 24, 2024 Incident
Reportable DischargeDetails A compressor for the process water cooling loop was observed not running. Upon further investigation, the condenser had lost its entire 310-pound charge of R134A refrigerant. Corrective Action Equipment is not operating at this time; investigation into the cause of the leak and possible repairs will be completed. Cameco Environmental Effect Rating no measurable impact to the environment1 Date May 17, 2024 Incident Event Requiring Reporting to the Duty Officer Details A fire alarm at the administration building was activated at 08:43 pm on May 16, 2024. Corrective Action The ERT responded to the firehall and was put on standby while the field coordinator assessed the situation. This was a witnessed event and it was confirmed that dust from sweeping activities set off the alarm. The alarm panel was reset and the ERT stood down. Cameco Environmental Effect Rating not applicableN/A Date March 4, 2024 Incident Environmental Action Level Exceedance Details On March 4, 2024, a treated effluent pond was released to the environment that was above the action level for molybdenum of 1.1 mg/L as stated in the environmental code of practice in the Cigar Lake Environment Management Program. The result from the external laboratory for the pond was 1.36 mg/L. The pond fill sample result from the Cigar Lake laboratory for the pond was 0.06 mg/L on March 3, 2024 Corrective Action An additional sample collected on March 4, 2024 was sent to the external laboratory for re-analysis. An investigation is underway to determine the cause of the event. Cameco Environmental Effect Rating no measurable impact to the environment1 Date March 2, 2024 Incident Event Requiring Reporting to the Duty Officer Details A worker tripped on some equipment in the Shaft 2 Headframe. The emergency response team stabilized the situation and transported the worker to the health centre, where the worker was provided first aid treatment. The worker returned to full duties the following day. Corrective Action The event has been investigated, and corrective actions have been put in place. The event has been reported to the CNSC. Cameco Environmental Effect Rating not applicableN/A Date November 19, 2023 Incident Event Requiring Reporting to the Duty Officer Details A worker slipped and fell when exiting an administrative building. The Emergency Response Team transported the worker to the health centre. Further medical treatment will be pursued offsite. Corrective Action Prior to the incident, the site received freezing rain. Although the area was sanded extensively, ice remained on the metal grating of the stairs. The worker was using traction aids at the time of the incident. Cameco Environmental Effect Rating not applicableN/A Date November 13, 2023 Incident Radiation Action Level Exceedance Details An underground worker who spent 25 days on site during the third quarter had an average weekly effective dose of 1.31 mSv, exceeding the weekly action level of the Radiation Code of Practice. Corrective Action The incident is being investigated through interviews and reviews of the worker’s tasks and activities. The incident has been reported to the CNSC. Cameco Environmental Effect Rating not applicableN/A Date September 25, 2023 Incident Dangerous Occurrence Details The pressure on a tunnel backfill bulkhead increased unexpectedly. The tunnel backfill pour was halted. A short time later, the pressure decreased. Upon visual inspection of the bulkhead, a support timber was observed to have cracked. Personnel in the immediate area were directed to exit the area and barricade all entrances to it. All non-essential personnel were brought to surface as a precaution pending further assessment. Corrective Action Using a drone for a remote visual inspection, an engineer determined the bulkhead is not at risk of imminent failure. The area will remain roped off as further inspections and assessments are completed. Normal operations at Cigar Lake resumed that evening. The incident was reported to the regulatory agencies. Cameco Environmental Effect Rating not applicableN/A Date September 23, 2023 Incident Reportable Spill, Discharge, Discovery or Release Details The nightshift operator noticed a 3% drop in each of the hot and cold tanks of the brine distribution system. After evaluating the data, it was determined that a leak began that evening. Following a search of the system, the leak was located on the northwest corner of the west freeze pad where a bleed valve was in a partially opened position. The leak was stopped with approximately 6 m3 of calcium chloride brine having leaked to the ground. Corrective Action The supply and return flows were isolated to the freeze hole and the spilled brine was cleaned up. An investigation is underway. The incident has been reported to the CNSC. Cameco Environmental Effect Rating no measurable impact to the environment1 Date September 18, 2023 Incident Event Requiring Reporting to the Duty Officer Details A worker rolled their left ankle while transitioning from a concrete floor to metal tread plate in the Ore Loadout building. The emergency response team transported the worker to the health centre for assessment and treatment. The worker has since returned to work. Corrective Action There is an approximately one-inch difference in elevation between the two floor surfaces. Paint on the floor had faded, reducing the visibility of the transition. Fresh paint is recommended to prevent recurrence. An investigation is underway, and the incident has been reported to the CNSC. Cameco Environmental Effect Rating not applicableN/A Date September 15, 2023 Incident Reportable Spill, Discharge, Discovery or Release Details Three totes of sand/rock from Ore Load Out Building were placed in the domestic waste landfill. One tote was broken, and all three totes were observed to have sand/rock spilled around them. A radiation scan confirmed that the sand/rock represented a recordable radiological release. Corrective Action The site was assessed by Radiation & Environment. Site Services cleaned up the sand/rock material and disposed of it onto Stockpile B. The incident has been reported to the CNSC, and is under investigation. Cameco Environmental Effect Rating no measurable impact to the environment1 Date September 11, 2023 Incident Radiation Action Level Exceedance Details After a worker completed thickness testing of the two wash receiver vessels in slurry loadout, a sample of the long-lived radioactive dust (LLRD) came back at levels elevated above normal. A follow-up urine sampling with the worker indicated an intake that exceeded the quarterly action level of 5 mSv. Corrective Action Further sampling was completed to finalize the estimated dose. The worker has been restricted from all high radiation work to ensure they do not exceed 20 mSv Cameco limit per year. The incident was reported to the CNSC, and an investigation is underway Cameco Environmental Effect Rating not applicableN/A Date August 30, 2023 Incident Reportable Spill, Discharge, Discovery or Release Details A nitrogen pressure regulator malfunctioned in the process water cooling loop, resulting in a release of nitrogen gas to the atmosphere. It is estimated that one full bottle (13 m3) of nitrogen was released before the leak was detected. The process water cooling loop was shut down and the nitrogen shut off. Corrective Action Nitrogen pressure regulator malfunctioned. The cause of the failure is under investigation. The regulator was disassembled, and internal parts ordered for repair. Cameco Environmental Effect Rating no measurable impact to the environment1 Date August 26, 2023 Incident Radiation Action Level Exceedance Details During routine review of OSLD dosimetry results, the result for a contractor was reported as 4.1 mSv for between April 1 – June 30, 2023 (Q2). After reviewing the worker’s time onsite in the quarter, it has been determined that the exposure potentially meets the criteria of a weekly action level exceedance of greater than 1 mSv in a seven-day period. As the worker’s quarterly effective dose is less than 5 mSv, there is no exceedance of the quarterly action level limit in this case. Corrective Action An investigation into the cause of the event was initiated, including interviews and a review of worker activities for the time period in question. Cameco Environmental Effect Rating not applicableN/A Date August 5, 2023 Incident Reportable Spill, Discharge, Discovery or Release Details In Freeze Plant #1, a worker performed maintenance repair on the auto purge from the ammonia system then put it back into service. After a few hours of operation, a malfunction on the solenoid valve occurred causing the water bubbler vessel to become filled with 5-10 lbs of ammonia. This vessel is designed to hold water and catch ammonia gases from the ammonia system. Due to the solenoid valve failing, the ammonia collected in the vessel and an unknown amount leaked into the atmosphere inside the building, causing an ammonia detector alarm to be activated. Corrective Action It was determined the solenoid valve malfunctioned due to numerous plunger screws being loose, presumably from vibration. The auto purge was shut down and isolated from the system until corrective actions are taken. Cameco Environmental Effect Rating no measurable impact to the environment1 Date July 22, 2023 Incident Reportable Spill, Discharge, Discovery or Release Details Between July 21 at 10:40 a.m. and July 22 at 7:50 p.m., the level indicators for Pond B (treated effluent monitoring pond) dropped approximately 1.1%. It was determined that approximately 80 m3 of treated water was released through the pond liner into the environment. The treated water met all effluent quality limits. On July 23, during pond liner cleaning and inspection, the operator identified seven small holes in the liner within Pond B. Damage was likely caused by ice over the winter. Corrective Action An external contractor repaired the liner on July 24. Cameco Environmental Effect Rating no measurable impact to the environment1 Date July 18, 2023 Incident Emergency Transport to External Medical Facilities Details An employee was on a transmixer checking equipment in the 480 Level underground. When the employee stepped off the transmixer, their right ankle rolled, causing them to twist their knee and fall over. Co-workers brought the employee to the health center, and they subsequently received medical transport to an external medical facility. Corrective Action The incident is under investigation. Cameco Environmental Effect Rating no measurable impact to the environment1 Date July 5, 2023 Incident Event Requiring Reporting to the CNSC Duty Officer Details At 07:31 am, smoke was observed coming from the top of the Shaft #2 exhaust fan and smoke alarms were triggered. Corrective Action All underground personnel mustered in refuge stations. ERT responded, awaiting confirmation that power was disconnected before entering. The smoke was later confirmed to be coming from a variable speed drive within the MCC room. ERT did not find any smoke, fire or obvious scorching in the area and, once it was confirmed safe, underground personnel were released from refuge stations.
No one was injured and investigation into the probable cause is ongoing. The CNSC was notified.
Cameco Environmental Effect Rating no measurable impact to the environment1 Date June 21, 2023 Incident Reportable Spill, Discharge, Discovery or Release Details During an environmental inspection of Stockpile C, a tear in the liner was identified. It is believed the tear occurred during the erosion gully repair work on the southeast berm on April 11, 2023. The tear is high up on the liner and no water is currently flowing into the area. This tear was not previously identified during routine inspections because there was a layer of sediment covering it, but recent rains exposed the tear. Corrective Action There was no water flowing into the area when the tear was identified. A plan is being developed to have the liner repaired in a timely manner. Cameco Environmental Effect Rating no measurable impact to the environment1 Date April 11, 2023 Incident Reportable Spill, Discharge, Discovery or Release Details While conducting erosion repairs on the southeast berm of Stockpile C on April 11, the HDPE liner was punctured. An estimated 1,000-2,000 L of meltwater in contact with potentially acid generating waste rock was released. Corrective Action A berm was created within the Stockpile C containment ditch and water is being pumped around the damaged liner section to mitigate meltwater entering the environment. A third-party contractor has been hired to repair the damaged section of the HDPE liner. Cameco Environmental Effect Rating no measurable impact to the environment1 Date April 11, 2023 Incident Reportable Spill, Discharge, Discovery or Release Details During routine inspections on April 11, Cameco identified erosion gullies on the southeast berm of Stockpile C (which contains Potential Acid Generating wasterock). An estimated 10,000 L of meltwater from Stockpile C was released from the containment ditch surrounding the waste rock pile. Corrective Action The site services department was contacted immediately. Material from Stockpile A (clean waste rock pile) was used to reinforce the southeast berm and ensure the meltwater stayed within the containment ditch. Cameco Environmental Effect Rating negligible impact2 Date January 23, 2023 Incident Reportable incident Details At the ore loadout, an operator noticed a hole in the discharge spool. Approximately 300 L of ore slurry material was released to secondary containment within the ore loadout building basement. Corrective Action It is believed a worn spool caused the slurry release. The pump was shut down upon discovery and the area was cleaned up. The line will be repaired. Cameco Environmental Effect Rating no measurable impact to the environment1 Date November 19, 2022 Incident Reportable incident Details While probing in a hole at the west freeze pad, the instrument snagged at the 173 m mark from the surface. Increasing tension on the winching system caused the cable to snap, resulting in the instrument falling to the hole bottom at about 455 m depth. The instrument contains a 111 GBq Am/Be source required for its operation. Corrective Action Efforts to retrieve the instrument began immediately. The depth that the instrument snagged corresponds to a section where directional drilling was used to alter its course. This may have resulted in the pipe slightly opening or bulging, creating a lip that caught the instrument. Cameco Environmental Effect Rating no measurable impact to the environment1 Date October 28, 2022 Incident Operational Limit Exceedance - Order under the Nuclear Safety and Control Act Details An inspection by CNSC personnel determined that the current operating volume of Stockpile C – a safe storage site for potentially reactive waste rock from underground development work – exceeded its volume limit specified in the Waste Management Program. Corrective Action The CNSC issued an order, which Cameco is working to address. Cameco has ceased all additions to the stockpile. Further, a third-party expert has been to site and is confirming whether the materials are stable as currently deposited. There is no risk to the environment, public health, or safety. Cameco Environmental Effect Rating no measurable impact to the environment1 Date October 17, 2022 Incident Reportable Release Details During inspection, an area was identified along the ramp leading into Stockpile B with elevated radiological readings upwards of 5-13 uSv/hr. The radiation department conducted a grid scan and confirmed a small area with higher radiological readings. Site Services removed the top layer of material, after which radiological readings were higher. During further scraping of the area, Site Services found a greyish material, which had radiological readings between 50-100 uSv/hr and is believed to be uranium ore. Corrective Action The radiologically contaminated material was removed and placed on Stockpile B, which is designated for contaminated material. It was mixed with clean fill during the clean-up process. A subsequent grid scan confirmed the affected area went down to 0.8 uSv/hr. Cameco Environmental Effect Rating negligible impact2 Date October 1, 2022 Incident Reportable Spill Details While the freeze plants were down due to routine site maintenance, the operator noticed the smell of ammonia by the condenser. The cause is believed to be from a small pin-hole leak within the condenser coil bundles. Ammonia level indicators in the area have remained unchanged, indicating that the release volume is likely negligible. Corrective Action The condenser was pumped down and isolated. The location of the leak is being investigated. Cameco Environmental Effect Rating negligible impact2 Date July 9, 2022 Incident Event Requiring Reporting to the CNSC Duty Officer Details An emergency page was issued at 3:48 a.m. on July 9, for an injured worker at a surface freeze drill rig. The individual was struck with a pipe approximately 0.4 m in length after it fell from a height of approximately 1.5 m. Corrective Action The individual was taken to the health centre where they were met by the ERT and the occupational health nurse. An investigation, in conjunction with the OHC, will be carried out. Cameco Environmental Effect Rating not applicableN/A Date May 27, 2022 Incident Radiation Action Level Exceedance Details During routine review of PAD dosimetry results, the result for a JBS operator indicated a radon progeny exposure of 1.27 mSv. After reviewing the worker’s time onsite in the month of March, it was determined that the exposure met the criteria of a weekly action level exceedance of greater than 1 mSv in a seven day period. Corrective Action An investigation into the cause of the event was initiated, including interviews and a review of worker activities for the time period in question. Cameco Environmental Effect Rating not applicableN/A Cameco Environmental Effect Rating
- Level 1 - no measurable impact to the environment
- Level 2 - negligible impact
- Level 3 - short-term, seasonal impact
- Level 4 - mortality of some species, but not affecting ecosystem function
- Level 5 - impairment of ecosystem function
- N/A - not applicable
Detailed plans and financial guarantees are in place to provide for decommissioning of the Cigar Lake sites when operations end. Decommissioning will include removal of all buildings and equipment and landscaping and re-vegetation of disturbed areas. All underground workings and other mine facilities will be sealed off and secured. A monitoring program will be in place to ensure the sites remain in a secure and stable state for the long-term. For more information, see Preliminary Decommissioning Plan - Summary - Cigar Lake Operation.
Waste Management
Ore mined at Cigar Lake is milled at Orano's McClean Lake operation. There is no tailings management facility at the Cigar Lake site. The jet boring mining method employed at Cigar Lake generates less waste rock than other methods. The waste rock that is brought to the surface is stored on lined pads. Waste rock containing small amounts of uranium is transported to the McClean Lake mill where it is used to blend down the high-grade ore prior to milling.
Environmental Risk Assessment
All new, or substantially changed, mining developments may be subject to environmental risk assessments (ERAs) to identify potential effects on the environment. ERAs follow guidance provided by CSA and various agencies, such as Health Canada (HC), Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) and the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC).
In 2021, Cameco completed an environmental risk assessment (ERA) in accordance with the standardized requirements found in CSA N288.6-12 Environmental Risk Assessments at Class I Nuclear Facilities and Uranium Mines and Mills.
Public Summary - Environmental Risk Assessment - Cigar Lake Operation (PDF 1.4 MB)
Regulatory Oversight
The primary regulator for the Cigar Lake operation is the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC). The mine is also subject to regulatory oversight from several other federal and provincial agencies including Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment. Federal and provincial regulators conduct regular site inspections and audits to verify that people and the environment are protected. Uranium mining and milling operations in Canada are licensed by the CNSC.

Sustainability at Cameco
When measuring the sustainability and ethical impact of a company, environmental, social and governance (ESG) are key factors considered by the public and investors. Sustainability and ESG matters have been an important focus at Cameco for many years and we have a strong performance record.