Environment & Safety

celebrating 15 years without a lost-time injury.

Setting A New Safety Standard

In June, 2021 our Blind River Refinery celebrated the remarkable achievement of operating for 15 years without a lost-time injury.  The safety culture that exists at the Refinery is a reflection of the commitment of every employee to put safety first – for themselves and for those around them.

Since 1990, Blind River has received Cameco's top award for safety performance, the Mary-Jean Mitchell Green Award, more times than any other Cameco facility.


We manage the safety of our workers through programs, systems, and standards, with our Safety, Health, Environment and Quality (SHEQ) Policy providing overarching guidance. There are many aspects of the management system that contribute to a safe work environment, a few examples include:

  • Risk assessments help identify issues and determine the appropriate controls; the corrective action process verifies that incidents and near misses are reported, tracked, investigated and shared with colleagues; and emergency preparedness and planning prepare us to respond to serious incidents.
  • We have developed 12 corporate safety standards to help protect our workers from our most common hazards. Some standards guide our general safety practices, such as our job hazard analysis and our job task observation, and other standards deal with specific hazardous situations (similar to other companies’ life saving rules): such as fall protection, confined space entry, rigging and hoisting, and control of hazardous energy (also referred to as lockout/tagout).
  • Routine audits are conducted to monitor compliance with regulations and our own requirements. These and other aspects of the management system are routinely examined to verify that they continue to be effective at keeping our workers safe.

Radiation Protection

Radiation risks are effectively managed at Blind River through a formal radiation protection program and dedicated personnel who ensure that workers are safe. The program ensures that radiation protection is considered in the physical design of all facilities and operating procedures. It also provides for systematic monitoring of radiation in work areas and tracking the exposures of individual workers using a combination of monitoring devices and health testing. Radiation exposures at Blind River are far below regulatory limits.

Environmental Protection

At Cameco, protection of the environment is one of our highest corporate priorities during all stages of our activities, from exploration through development, operations, decommissioning, and reclamation.

We monitor our performance by tracking corporate and site-specific key performance indicators, conducting environmental monitoring programs, and regularly auditing our adherence to the requirements of these programs We use the information from all of our programs to help us to identify opportunities to improve.

Environmental management system

We have a ISO 14001-certified environmental management system used across our operating sites, which is supported by a corporate Environmental Management Program that outlines the operating requirements sites must meet. Our environmental management system encourages and promotes continuous adaptation of our practices based on new information and technologies.

Environmental risk assessments

We complete environmental risk assessments to systematically identify, quantify, and to characterize the potential risks to the environment, workers, and the public. We use our environmental risk assessments to inform our decisions and actions. Additionally, we complete an iterative process, where required, to verify that our proposed measures to protect the environment and the public are effective. We review or update the assessments every five years, incorporating results from our environmental monitoring programs and other scientific advances.

Corrective action process

We have a corrective action process in place to systematically investigate and address the causes of non-conformance to regulatory requirements or internal standards. The process includes classifying the non-conformance, assigning the appropriate level of investigation (dependent on incident significance), and tracking the recommended corrective actions to prevent and mitigate similar occurrences.


To support our culture of continuous improvement, our processes and operations undergo regular audits, including:

  • Our environmental management system is audited by a third-party every three years as a requirement to maintain our ISO 14001 certification.
  • Our SHEQ team conducts an internal audit of our SHEQ programs on a three-year cycle. The total audit scope is split in half and executed on a rotating basis. This means that all our sites undergo at least two audits to cover all aspects of our SHEQ programs within every three-year period. The audit follows the ISO 19001 process and encompasses our environmental and safety programs.
  • We also maintain and implement an internal audit program at our corporate office. Results and recommendations from this systematic and documented process are presented to senior management, who are responsible for implementing them and correcting any deficiencies. The internal audit group reports to the audit and finance committee of the board.

Environmental Incidents and Other Events​

Environmental incidents and other events are reported to regulatory agencies as required by federal and provincial regulations. This includes releases to the environment reportable to Ontario Ministry of Environment's Spills Action Centre.

If you have questions about any of the items posted here, please contact us.

Latest incident or event:

Posting DateJuly 30, 2024
Incident DateJuly 1, 2024
IncidentReportable Leak & Discharge

On June 26, 2024, when the glycol heating systems were drained for maintenance, a mechanical failure occurred. It was observed that the drain valve on number three coil was leaking glycol. A pipe cap was immediately installed to stop the leak. It was assumed the leak had been minimal and there was minimal glycol in the system since the coil had been isolated and drained in 2023 when it had failed.

During a maintenance inspection, it was determined that glycol had passed through the sewage plant and was released to Lake Huron on July 1, 2024. A lab investigation estimates 70L of glycol had spilled.  

There was no health or safety risk posed to the public, workers, or the environment by this release.

Corrective Action

An investigation is currently underway by Cameco to prevent future occurrences.

The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, Town of Blind River and the Ministry of Environment, and Conservation and Parks have been notified.

Cameco Environmental Effect Ratingno measurable impact to the environment1
Past reporting
Posting DateJuly 30, 2024
Incident DateJuly 1, 2024
IncidentReportable Leak & Discharge

On June 26, 2024, when the glycol heating systems were drained for maintenance, a mechanical failure occurred. It was observed that the drain valve on number three coil was leaking glycol. A pipe cap was immediately installed to stop the leak. It was assumed the leak had been minimal and there was minimal glycol in the system since the coil had been isolated and drained in 2023 when it had failed.

During a maintenance inspection, it was determined that glycol had passed through the sewage plant and was released to Lake Huron on July 1, 2024. A lab investigation estimates 70L of glycol had spilled.  

There was no health or safety risk posed to the public, workers, or the environment by this release.

Corrective Action

An investigation is currently underway by Cameco to prevent future occurrences.

The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, Town of Blind River and the Ministry of Environment, and Conservation and Parks have been notified.

Cameco Environmental Effect Ratingno measurable impact to the environment1
Posting DateMay 3, 2024
Incident DateMay 2, 2024
IncidentReportable Spill

On April 18, a sink hole was observed near two groundwater supply wells for the Blind River Refinery, close to the Mississaugi River. This sinkhole was located adjacent to the golf course, situated west of the parking lot, which is part of the Town property leased from Cameco. As a precautionary measure, we promptly cordoned off the affected area and initiated the process of determining next steps to have the underground well water supply line repaired. Cameco has been closely monitoring the sinkhole and noted no significant changes. On May 2, it was observed that there is now additional groundwater flow from the well line, carrying sediment and overflowing into the river.

There was no health or safety risk posed to the public, workers, or the environment by the release of groundwater that had not been used by the refinery.

Corrective Action

Cameco is working to rectify the situation and has contacted a contractor to install a silt curtain and are in the process of securing hydrovac services. Additionally, Cameco is actively pursuing a separate contractor to repair the well supply line.

The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, Town of Blind River and the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks have been notified.

Cameco Environmental Effect Ratingno measurable impact to the environment1
Posting DateAugust 21, 2023
Incident DateAugust 21, 2023
IncidentNon-Occupational Emergency Transport

An ambulance was dispatched to the Blind River Refinery for a non-occupational medical emergency. 

There was no health or safety risk posed to the public, workers or the environment.

Corrective ActionThe worker was transported to hospital.
Cameco Environmental Effect Ratingno measurable impact to the environment1


Posting DateJuly 24, 2023
Incident DateJuly 21, 2023
IncidentTransportation Incident 

On July 21 a tractor and trailer carrying two sea containers of uranium ore concentrate drums collided with a moose on highway 17 near English River, ON. The shipment originated from Cameco’s Key Lake operation and is destined for France.

There was no damage to the trailer, sea containers or drums.

There was no health or safety risk posed to the public, workers or the environment.

Corrective ActionThe Ontario Provincial Police were called and attended the scene. After confirming that there was no damage to the trailer, sea containers or the drums, the trailer was safely towed to Thunder Bay, Ontario. Another truck is being sourced to complete the journey. Cameco notified the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission.
Cameco Environmental Effect Ratingno measurable impact to the environment1


Posting DateJune 2, 2023
Incident DateJune 1, 2023
IncidentTransportation Incident 
DetailsAt approximately 1:00 a.m., a tractor and trailer carrying drums of uranium ore concentrate destined for the Blind River Refinery hit a moose near Upsala, Ontario. There were no injuries and no damage to the trailer or drums.
Corrective ActionThe Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission was notified. The Ontario Provincial Police were called but did not attend the scene. A new truck is being dispatched to complete the journey to the Blind River Refinery.
Cameco Environmental Effect Ratingno measurable impact to the environment1


Posting DateJanuary 24, 2023
Incident DateJanuary 20, 2023
IncidentTransportation Incident 

A transport carrying uranium ore concentrate to the Blind River Refinery was involved in a minor traffic accident on the Trans-Canada Highway 1, west of Warren Ontario. A snowplow with a 3-wing plow system attached was travelling in the opposite direction and crossed the centre line and clipped the transport truck’s side mirror.

There was no other damage to the transport truck or sea containers.

There was no health or safety risk posed to the public, workers or the environment.

Corrective Action

The transport truck found a safe place to stop, and a mechanic was sent out to replace the mirror assembly.

Cameco notified the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission.

Cameco Environmental Effect Ratingno measurable impact to the environment1


Posting DateOctober 10, 2022
Incident DateOctober 11, 2022
IncidentTransportation Incident 

At approximately 5:15 p.m., a truck and trailer carrying uranium ore concentrate destined for the Blind River Refinery was involved in a traffic accident on Highway 17 near Calvin, Ontario. A vehicle in the eastbound lane crossed the centre line, made contact with the side of the truck, and then with the front trailer. There was no damage to the sea container, and it remained secured on the trailer.

The OPP attended the scene of the accident.

Corrective ActionThe Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission was notified. A new trailer was dispatched to transfer the sea container and continue its journey to the Blind River Refinery.
Cameco Environmental Effect Ratingno measurable impact to the environment1


Posting DateDecember 20, 2021
Incident DateDecember 20, 2021
IncidentTransportation Incident 

At approximately 9:00 a.m., a tractor and trailer carrying four empty UO3 bins from the Port Hope Conversion Facility to the Blind River Refinery was involved in a traffic accident on Highway 7 near Omemee. A vehicle attempted to pass the tractor and trailer causing a collision with an oncoming vehicle which subsequently hit the tractor. There was no damage to the empty UO3 tote bins, and they remained secured on the trailer.

The OPP attended the scene of the accident.

Corrective ActionThe Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission was notified. A new tractor was dispatched to connect the trailer and continue its journey to the Blind River Refinery.
Cameco Environmental Effect Ratingno measurable impact to the environment1


Posting DateNovember 1, 2021
Incident DateNovember 1, 2021
IncidentTransportation Incident

At approximately 5:40 a.m., after being parked overnight, a transport truck carrying uranium ore concentrate rolled backwards into a ditch at the edge of the parking lot when attempting to leave the Broken Canoe Trading Post in Mississiauga First Nation near Blind River. The truck had not been fully engaged into gear before the driver released the brake allowing the second (and last) trailer to roll backwards very slowly. There was no damage to the trailer, or the drums and there was no release of material. 

No one was injured and there was no impact on the health or safety of the public or the environment.

Corrective ActionThe Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, and the Chief of Mississauga First Nation were notified. A tow truck was dispatched, and the trailer was successfully pulled out of the ditch and inspected by Cameco personnel prior to continuing its journey to the Blind River Refinery.
Cameco Environmental Effect Ratingno measurable impact to the environment1


Posting DateNovember 4, 2020
Incident DateNovember 3, 2020
IncidentTransportation Incident

At approximately 7:00 p.m., a transport truck carrying empty tote bins to the Blind River Refinery struck a bull moose on Highway 69 between Noble and Pointe-au-Baril, Ontario. The tote bins, which were empty at the time of the incident, are used in the shipping of uranium trioxide. There were no injuries and no damage to the trailer or the empty tote bins. The truck suffered damage and was towed from the scene. A spare truck was dispatched to retrieve the trailer to complete the delivery to the Refinery.

No one was injured and there was no impact on the health or safety of the public or the environment.

Corrective ActionThe Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission was notified.
Cameco Environmental Effect Rating1


DateApril 24, 2020
IncidentFire in yard

At approximately 4:00 p.m., combustible material (garbage) stored in the south east yard area at the Blind River Refinery caught fire. The fire department was called and the fire was declared extinguished by the fire department at approximately 6:15 p.m.

No one was injured and there was no impact on the health or safety of the public or the environment.

Corrective ActionThe Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, the Mayor of Blind River and the Chief of Mississauga First Nation were all notified. The cause of the fire is being investigated and additional monitoring and fire watch has been put in place. Environmental samples are being collected for analysis.  
Cameco Environmental Effect Ratingno measurable impact to the environment1

Cameco Environmental Effect Rating

  • Level 1 - no measurable impact to the environment
  • Level 2 - negligible impact
  • Level 3 - short-term, seasonal impact
  • Level 4 - mortality of some species, but not affecting ecosystem function
  • Level 5 - impairment of ecosystem function
  • N/A - not applicable

1 Includes all releases to the environment reportable to Ontario Ministry of Environment's Spills Action Centre and other significant events.

Waste Management

Solid wastes contaminated by uranium are reprocessed, recycled and re-used to the extent possible. Waste materials that cannot be reprocessed, recycled or re-used are safely stored on site until appropriate disposal options are available.


Detailed plans and financial guarantees are in place to restore the Blind River site to public use once the facility reaches the end of its productive life.

Environmental Assessment

All new significant changes to existing operations are subject to environmental assessments to identify potential effects on the environment.

Regulatory Oversight

The Blind River refinment facility is licensed and regulated by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC). The operation is also subject to other federal and provincial regulations for the protection of people and the environment, including by Environment Canada and Ontario’s Ministry of the Environment. Federal and provincial regulators conduct regular site inspections and audits to verify that people and the environment are protected.

Environment, governance, social image

Sustainability at Cameco

When measuring the sustainability and ethical impact of a company, environmental, social and governance (ESG) are key factors considered by the public and investors. Sustainability and ESG matters have been an important focus at Cameco for many years and we have a strong performance record.

Learn More