Fuel Manufacturing: Port Hope & Cobourg

Cameco Fuel Manufacturing
  • Cameco Fuel Manufacturing (CFM) ​is one of two fuel manufacturers serving Canada’s reactor fleet.
  • It is the largest Canadian-based supplier of in-core reactor components for CANDU reactors around the world.
  • Cameco operates the ISO 14001 certified facility located in Ontario, Canada.
  • Reactor fuel-related products have been produced on site since 1957.


(As of December 31, 2024)
100% ownership graphic
239 people employed - cameco fuel manufacturing infographic


(As of December 31, 2024)
cameco fuel manufacturing is licenced to 2043
candu fuel assemblies & reactor components infographic

Environment & Safety

Worker safety, environmental monitoring and proper decommissioning after project completion are of the utmost importance to Cameco.

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An aerial image of the town of Port Hope and Cobourg Ontario
An image of a fuel employee assembling a cobalt adjuster absorber
An image of a cameco fuel employee verifying the pellet stack length at the Port Hope manufacturing plant
An image of completed Candu fuel bundles that are almost ready for shipping.
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