Crow Butte

North America map showing location of Crow Butte property

Crow Butte was discovered in 1980 and began production in 1991. It is the first uranium mine in Nebraska, and is a significant contributor to the economy of northwest Nebraska.

Location Nebraska, US
Ownership 100%
End product Uranium concentrates
ISO certification ISO 14001 certified
Estimated reserves 1.7 million pounds (proven), average grade U3O8: 0.10%
Estimated resources 14.6 million pounds (indicated), average grade U3O8: 0.27%
2.9 million pounds (inferred), average grade U3O8: 0.12%
Mining methods In situ recovery (ISR)
Licensed capacity
(processing plants and wellfields)
2.0 million pounds per year
Licence term Through October, 2024
Total production: 2002 to 2014 9.7 million pounds
2014 production 0.6 million pounds
2015 production outlook 0.3 million pounds
Estimated decommissioning cost $45 million (US)

2014 update


Production this year was as forecast, but 14% lower than 2013 production due to declining head grade.

The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission renewed our operating licence for Crow Butte during the fourth quarter of 2014. The new licence is valid for ten years, through October, 2024.

Planning for the future


In 2015, we expect to produce 0.3 million pounds. The head grade and overall production at Crow Butte is expected to continue to decline, as there are no new wellfields being developed under the current mine plan.

Managing our risks

We manage the risks listed here.