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Fourth Quarter Results by Segment


  Three months ended
December 31
Highlights 2013 2012 Change
Production volume (million lbs) 7.5 6.5 15%
Sales volume (million lbs) 12.7 14.5 (12)%
Average spot price ($US/lb) 35.03 42.46 (17)%
Average long-term price ($US/lb) 50.00 58.50 (15)%
Average realized price      
($US/lb) 47.76 49.97 (4)%
($Cdn/lb) 49.80 49.37 1%
Average unit cost of sales ($Cdn/lb)
(including D&A)
37.94 32.85 15%
Revenue ($ millions) 631 716 (12)%
Gross profit ($ millions) 150 240 (38)%
Gross profit (%) 24 34 (29)%

Production volumes this quarter were 15% higher compared to the fourth quarter of 2012, mainly due to higher production at McArthur River/Key Lake, Rabbit Lake, Inkai, and Smith-Ranch Highland with the rampup of the North Butte satellite operation. See Our operations and projects for more information.

Uranium revenues were down 12% due to a 12% decrease in sales volumes, which represents normal quarterly variance in our delivery schedule.

The average realized price increased slightly compared to 2012 despite a 17% drop in the spot price, due to the mix of contract deliveries, higher US dollar prices under fixed price contracts, and the effect of foreign exchange. In the fourth quarter of 2013, our realized foreign exchange rate was $1.04 compared to $0.99 in the prior year.

Total cost of sales (including D&A) increased by 1% ($481 million compared to $476 million in 2012). This was mainly the result of a 15% increase in the average unit cost of sales, offset by a 12% decrease in sales volumes.

The unit cost of sales increased due to an increase in the non-cash costs of produced material in the fourth quarter compared to the same period in 2012, and an increase in the unit cost of material purchased.

In 2013, we purchased about 10 million pounds of material under the Russian HEU commercial agreement, more than the annual 7 million historically purchased. Some of this additional material was made available under an option in the agreement, which we exercised in 2006. Under the agreement, pricing of this option material was at a discount to spot prices at the time of delivery. We received the option material in the fourth quarter as our final purchase under the Russian HEU commercial agreement.

In addition, in the fourth quarter, we had back-to-back purchase and sale arrangements that, while profitable, required we purchase material at a price higher than the current spot price.

The net effect was a $90 million decrease in gross profit for the quarter.

The following table shows the costs of produced and purchased uranium incurred in the reporting periods (which are non-IFRS measures, see the paragraphs below the table). These costs do not include selling costs such as royalties, transportation and commissions, nor do they reflect the impact of opening inventories on our reported cost of sales.

  Three months ended
December 31
($/lb) 2013 2012 Change
Cash cost 15.61 17.01 (8)%
Non-cash cost 9.42 8.41 12%
Total production cost 25.03 25.42 (2)%
Quantity produced (million lbs) 7.5 6.5 15%
Cash cost 37.26 32.94 13%
Quantity purchased (million lbs) 4.4 2.8 57%
Produced and purchased costs 29.55 27.69 7%
Quantities produced and purchased (million lbs) 11.9 9.3 28%

Cash cost per pound, non-cash cost per pound and total cost per pound for produced and purchased uranium presented in the above table are non-IFRS measures. These measures do not have a standardized meaning or a consistent basis of calculation under IFRS. We use these measures in our assessment of the performance of our uranium business. We believe that, in addition to conventional measures prepared in accordance with IFRS, certain investors use this information to evaluate our performance and ability to generate cash flow.

These measures are non-standard supplemental information and should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for measures of performance prepared according to accounting standards. These measures are not necessarily indicative of operating profit or cash flow from operations as determined under IFRS. Other companies may calculate these measures differently, so you may not be able to make a direct comparison to similar measures presented by other companies.

To facilitate a better understanding of these measures, the following table presents a reconciliation of these measures to our unit cost of sales for the fourth quarters of 2013 and 2012.

Cash and total cost per pound reconciliation

  Three months ended 
December 31 
($ millions) 2013  2012  Change
Cost of product sold 359.8  394.4  (9)%
Add / (subtract)      
Royalties (52.5) (51.7) 2%
Standby charges (11.1) (7.7) 44%
Other selling costs (4.8) (3.3) 45%
Change in inventories (10.3) (128.9) (92)%
Cash operating costs (a) 281.1  202.8  39%
Add / (subtract)      
Depreciation and amortization 121.2  82.1  48%
Change in inventories (50.7) (27.4) 85%
Total operating costs (b) 351.6  257.5  37%
Uranium produced & purchased (millions lbs) (c) 11.9  9.3  28%
Cash costs ($/lb) (a ÷ c) 23.62  21.81  8%
Total costs ($/lb) (b ÷ c) 29.55  27.69  7%

Fuel services

(includes results for UF6, UO2 and fuel fabrication)
  Three months ended
December 31
Highlights 2013 2012 Change
Production volume (million kgU) 2.7 3.3 (18)%
Sales volume (million kgU) 6.5 6.0 8%
Average realized price ($Cdn/kgU) 17.24 17.16
Average unit cost of sales ($Cdn/kgU) (including D&A) 14.42 14.06 3%
Revenue ($ millions) 112 103 9%
Gross profit ($ millions) 18 19 (5)%
Gross profit (%) 16 18 (11)%

Total revenue increased by 9% due to an 8% increase in sales volumes.

The total cost of sales (including D&A) increased by 9% ($93 million compared to $85 million in the fourth quarter of 2012) mainly due to an 8% increase in sales volumes.

The net effect was a $1 million decrease in gross profit.


  Three months ended 
December 31, 2013 
($ millions except where indicated) NUKEM  Purchase 
  1. 1 Adjustments relate to unrealized gains and losses on foreign currency forward sales contracts (non-IFRS measure).
Uranium sales (million lbs) 3.3  –  3.3 
Revenue 220  (32) 188 
Cost of product sold
(including D&A)
202  (33) 169 
Gross profit 18  19 
Net earnings 12  13 
Adjustment on derivatives1 (1) –  (1)
NUKEM inventory write-down –  (1) (1)
Adjusted net earnings1 11  –  11 
Cash provided by operations – 

During the fourth quarter of 2013, NUKEM delivered 3.3 million pounds of uranium. On a consolidated basis, NUKEM contributed $188 million in revenues and gross profit of $19 million. Adjusted net earnings were $11 million (non-IFRS measure). During the quarter, NUKEM’s operating activities provided $9 million in cash, which was lower than expected due to the timing of a product purchase that was originally planned for early 2014 occurring in December of 2013.


BPLP (100% – not prorated to reflect our 31.6% interest)

  Three months ended
December 31
($ millions except where indicated)
2013  2012 Change
  1. 1 Based on actual generation of 6.9 TWh plus deemed generation of 0.2 TWh in the fourth quarter of 2013.
Output – TWh 6.9  7.2 (4)%
Capacity factor
(the amount of electricity the plants actually produced for sale as a percentage of the amount they were capable of producing)
96%  100% (4)%
Realized price ($/MWh) 541  54
Average Ontario electricity spot price ($/MWh) 22  24 (8)%
Revenue 383  393 (3)%
Operating costs (net of cost recoveries) 234  236 (1)%
Cash costs 173  179 (3)%
Non-cash costs 61  57 7%
Income before interest and finance charges 149  157 (5)%
Interest and finance charges (4) 6 (167)%
Cash from operations 181  100 81%
Capital expenditures 56  54 4%
Distributions 125  140 (11)%
Capital calls 15  14 7%

Our earnings from BPLP

  Three months ended 
December 31 
($ millions except where indicated)
2013  2012  Change
BPLP’s earnings before taxes (100%) 153  151  1%
Cameco’s share of pre-tax earnings before adjustments (31.6%) 48  48 
Proprietary adjustments (1) (2) (50)%
Earnings before taxes from BPLP 47  46  2%

Total electricity revenue decreased 3% this quarter due to a lower output. Realized prices reflect spot sales, revenue recognized under BPLP’s agreement with the OPA, and financial contract revenue. BPLP recognized revenue of $212 million this quarter under its agreement with the OPA, compared to $198 million in the fourth quarter of 2012. Gains on BPLP’s contract activity in the fourth quarter of 2013 were $17 million, compared to $22 million in the fourth quarter of 2012.

The capacity factor was 96% this quarter, down from 100% in the fourth quarter of 2012. There were seven unplanned outage days in the quarter, compared to no outage days in the fourth quarter of 2012.

Operating costs this quarter of $234 million were similar to the $236 million in 2012.

The result was $47 million in earnings before taxes (our share) in the fourth quarter of 2013 compared to $46 million in earnings before taxes in the fourth quarter of 2012.

BPLP distributed $125 million to the partners in the fourth quarter. Our share was $40 million. BPLP capital calls to the partners in the fourth quarter were $15 million. Our share was $5 million. The partners have agreed that BPLP will distribute excess cash monthly, and will make separate cash calls for major capital projects.