
Bruce Power

Bruce Power Limited Partnership (BPLP)

BPLP leases and operates four Candu nuclear reactors that have the capacity to provide about 15% of Ontario’s electricity.

Location Ontario, Canada
Ownership 31.6%
ISO certification ISO 14001 certified
Expected reactor life 2018 to 2021
Term of lease 2018 — right to extend for up to 25 years
Generation capacity 3,260 MW


We are the fuel procurement manager for BPLP’s four nuclear reactors and for Bruce A Limited Partnership’s (BALP) four reactors.

We provide 100% of BPLP’s uranium concentrates and have agreed to supply BALP with the majority of its future uranium concentrates. We also provide 100% of BPLP and BALP’s fuel manufacturing and UO2 conversion requirements.

2012 Update


BPLP produced 26.8 terawatt hours of clean electricity in 2012, 8% higher than in 2011. The capacity factor was 94% compared to 87% in 2011.

Planning For the Future


We expect the capacity factor to be 88% in 2013 and actual output to be about 5% to 10% lower than 2012.

Managing Our Risks

BPLP manages the unique risks associated with operating Candu reactors. The amount of electricity generated, and the cost of that generation, could vary materially from forecast if planned outages are significantly longer than planned, or there are many unplanned outages, either for maintenance, regulatory requirements, equipment malfunction or due to other causes.

BPLP also manages the risks listed here.