Our Values
Our values guide all our decisions and actions. They are:
Safety and Environment

The safety of people and protection of the environment are the foundations of our work. All of us share in the responsibility of continually improving the safety of our workplace and the quality of our environment.
We are committed to keeping people safe and conducting our business with respect and care for both the local and global environment.
- promote and support a strong safety culture
- strive to be a leader in safety and environmental practices and performance, which includes timely, accurate and transparent reporting
- prevent injury, ill health and pollution
- fulfill compliance obligations
- keep risks at levels as low as reasonably achievable, taking into account economic and societal factors
- ensure quality of processes, products and services
- continually improve our overall performance·
- actively seek and incorporate the input from workers, local communities, and other stakeholders on the impacts of our activities and our overall performance
- continually improve the efficiency of our resource and energy use, management of wastes and tailings, and reduction of land disturbances, air emissions and discharges to water
- use science and innovation to drive our efforts at continual improvement
- conduct safety, health and environment assessments that consider social and cultural values and are designed for closure before proceeding with new operational projects
Learn more about our safety and environmental practices

We value the contribution of every employee and we treat people fairly by demonstrating our respect for individual dignity, creativity and cultural diversity. By being open and honest, we achieve the strong relationships we seek.
We are committed to developing and supporting a flexible, skilled, stable and diverse workforce, in an environment that:
- attracts and retains talented people and inspires them to be fully productive and engaged
- encourages relationships that build the trust, credibility and support we need to grow our business
- adhere to all laws in the countries where we operate, including human rights, labour and employment law
- recruit the best people who will understand and share our vision and values, and who can help us effectively carry out our mission
- manage talent in relation to business needs
- manage employees' performance constructively so they can work to the best of their abilities
- establish clear responsibilities and accountabilities for every employee
- offer competitive compensation and benefits
- develop leadership skills at all levels that reflect our corporate values, competencies and behaviours
- recognize employee contributions
- encourage creativity and sharing of ideas
- promote and support continuous learning and career development
- support and respect the protection of human rights and share the values reflected in international proclamations about human rights, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
- provide a safe and healthy working environment that is free from harassment and discrimination
- will act to eliminate racism wherever it exists
- promote and support healthy lifestyles
- promote an inclusive and diverse workplace and respect cultural traditions in communities where we operate
- provide flexibility to help employees balance work and personal commitments effectively
- provide transparent and consistent employee programs and policies
- respect our employees' privacy
- respect the right to freedom of association
Learn more about Cameco's people practices

Through personal and professional integrity, we lead by example, earn trust, honour our commitments and conduct our business ethically.
We are committed to acting with integrity in every area of our business, wherever we operate.
- are a leading, socially responsible corporate citizen, maintaining positive and open relationships wherever we operate
- manage our operations responsibly, and accurately measure and report our performance publicly
- conduct ourselves ethically and with integrity, upholding our code of conduct and ethics and honour our commitments whether written or oral
- contribute to the economic and social development of local communities where our facilities are located
- respect human rights wherever we operate and prohibit human trafficking, slavery, and child labour within our operations and our supply chain
- publicly disclose complete, accurate and balanced information on a timely basis
- prepare and disclose our mineral reserve and resource estimates objectively
- reflect all business transactions completely and accurately in the company accounts
- refuse to support any activities that involve bribery or corruption
- compete fairly and ethically
- allow only responsible and appropriate use of our assets
- secure and manage corporate information with integrity
- carry out practices to prevent and detect fraud and do not tolerate it in any way
- meet or exceed all laws, regulations and other requirements that apply to us
Learn more about how we govern ourselves

We pursue excellence in all that we do. Through leadership, collaboration and innovation, we strive to achieve our full potential and inspire others to reach theirs.
We are committed to achieving excellence in all aspects of our business.
- use management systems that facilitate our efforts to protect and enhance shareholder value
- develop and implement long-term strategies and associated corporate objectives to achieve outstanding financial performance
- deliver uranium products and services that meet or exceed customer expectations
- hold ourselves accountable for our performance in our drive to achieve excellence
- benchmark ourselves against recognized leaders and assess the results by adopting, modifying and integrating those aspects that are appropriate to our business
- inspire employees to excel
- develop a culture that encourages and supports employees in applying a questioning attitude in the pursuit of excellence
- develop and implement tools that assist us in preventing errors and support our efforts to be a learning organization
- develop and report performance measures that accurately track our progress and link to incentive compensation
- recognize that accountability and continual improvement are essential parts of achieving excellence
- reward excellence and recognize employees for improvements they accomplish
- measure our success based on our ability to build constructive relationships with, work with, and add value for our stakeholders