Dominique Minière

An image of Dominique Miniere

Board member

Age 65  |  Independent
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Director since:  2023
Citizenship:  French

Key Skills and Experience

  • Executive leadership and strategy
  • Operational excellence and safety
  • Geopolitical, government, regulatory
  • Nuclear industry
  • International business and cultural perspectives

Dominique has four decades of nuclear energy experience and brings a strong technical and nuclear specialist background as well as nuclear fleet refurbishment, small modular reactor development and climate change strategy experience to Cameco’s board. He serves on three of our committees, including as chair of the safety, health and environment committee.


Dominique Minière is a corporate director. He was appointed to Cameco’s board effective September 1, 2023. He has more than 40 years of technical and senior management experience in the nuclear industry. Dominique served as the Executive Vice President of Ontario Power Generation (OPG), an electricity generator, in charge of new nuclear and international development from 2021 to 2022. Prior to that role, he served as OPG’s Executive Vice President and Chief Strategy Officer from 2020 to 2021, as OPG’s Nuclear President from 2019 to 2020, and as Chief Operating Officer of Electricité de France (EDF), an electric utility company in charge of the nuclear and thermal fleet from 2015 to 2019.

Dominique received a civil engineering degree from the Ecole des Mines de Paris. He has extensive nuclear energy experience in France, Europe and Canada, including new nuclear, fuel conversion and enrichment. His industry leadership roles include having served as chair of GIFEN, the nuclear industry association in France, as president of the French Nuclear Society and as a board member of the World Association of Nuclear Operators. He has been awarded the “Chevelier de la Légion d’Honneur (Knight of the French Legion of Honour).

He serves on the boards of the private companies Holtec International Inc., ORTEC Group, a French services company involved in services and engineering, and Engineering Planning and Management, Inc., a US engineering company.

Board and Committee Membership and Attendance

As of May 9, 2024

2023 Attendance
2023 Voting ResultsBoard and Committee MembershipNumber of MeetingsOverall
n/aBoard of directors2 of 2100%
Human resources and compensation1 of 1100%
Safety, health, and environment (chair)*1 of 1100%
Technical3 of 3100%

* Dominique was appointed chair of the safety, health and environment committee on May 9, 2024

Other Public Company Boards in the Past Five Years

Boralex Inc. (TSX)January 2024 to present

Securities Held

As of December 31, 2023

YearCameco SharesDSUsTotal Shares
 and DSUs
Market Value of
Shares and DSUs1
Multiple of 2023
Annual Retainer
(at market value)
Deadline to Meet
Share Ownership
2023-961961$ 54,9130.3xSeptember 1, 2028

1.  Based on total holdings calculated using $57.13 for 2023, the closing price of Cameco shares on the last trading day of the year on the TSX. 
2.   For evaluating compliance with Cameco’s share ownership guidelines, Dominique's DSUs held at December 31, 2023 are valued at $57,552 and represent 0.3x the board member retainer of $200,000.