Refining, conversion and fuel manufacturing
We control about 20% of world UF6 conversion capacity and are a supplier of natural UO2. Our focus is on cost-competitiveness and operational efficiency.
Our fuel services segment is strategically important because it helps support the growth of the uranium segment. Offering a range of products and services to customers helps us broaden our business relationships and expand our uranium market share.
Blind River Refinery
![Licensed Capacity: 24.0m kgU of UO3](/annual_report/2014/images/mda/our-operations-and-projects/infographics/blind-river-lc.png)
![North America map showing location of Blind River refinery](/annual_report/2014/images/mda/our-operations-and-projects/map_blind_river.jpg)
Blind River is the world’s largest commercial uranium refinery, refining uranium concentrates from mines around the world into UO3.
Location | Ontario, Canada |
Ownership | 100% |
End product | UO3 |
ISO certification | ISO 14001 certified |
Licensed capacity | 24.0 million kgU as UO3 per year (subject to the completion of certain equipment upgrades) |
Licence term | Through February, 2022 |
Estimated decommissioning cost | $39 million |
2014 update
Our Blind River refinery produced 8.9 million kgU of UO3 this year, enabling our conversion business to achieve its production targets.
Managing our risks
We manage the risks listed here.