Powered By - Operational and Financial Strength
Though the macro-environment for Cameco has changed somewhat, the direction and performance of the company has not. Our strengths remain an advantage for us in today's market.
Assets & People
We have some of the best uranium assets in the world that are being operated by some of the best people in the business. It is this combination that allows us to pursue with confidence our goal of increasing annual production to 40 million pounds by 2018, and remain competitive in challenging environments.
Safety & Environment
Safety and protection of the environment are the foundation of our corporate values and are key to the success of our operations. We continue to excel in this area, having achieved a number of safety milestones in 2011.
More than Mining
We have invested across the nuclear fuel cycle to help better serve our customers and expand our market share. We are a major supplier of the uranium processing services required to produce fuel for reactors and are exploring innovative areas like laser enrichment technology. We also hold a 31.6 percent interest in Bruce Power Limited Partnership, which provides electricity to the province of Ontario.
Financial Strength
We have stable cash flow and predictable sales that support disciplined, continuing growth and add value for our shareholders. In 2011 we achieved record revenue from our nuclear business as a result of higher sales volumes and record realized prices in our uranium segment.